Is 3D Printing: The Next Industrial Revolution?
The world is changing, and technology is the driving force. From upcoming life-changing gadgets like Google Glass and whatever it is that Apple are brewing up in their secret lab in Palo Alto, to innovations in satellite navigation and the new generation of passenger planes, the next decade is going to be an exciting place.
But lurking behind all these expensive gadgets and vast machines is a disruptive, democratizing technology which puts the consumer in charge, and may signal the end of the big gadget companies.
3D printing is in its infancy, but already it has given birth to some unbelievable products and ideas, from the 3D printed watch to the 3D printed surgical replacement skull. What’s more, thanks to crowdfunding sites like Kickstarter, individual designers or small teams can create world-standard gadgets cheaper, faster and more envioronmentally responsibly than the big companies.
Will 3D Printing be The Next Industrial Revolution?
3D printing has the potential to change the world: Apple has come under fire for its use of cheap Chinese labour in the making of its flagship iPhone and iPad products, but what if gadgets like these could be simply printed out at home? The next generation of 3D printers will be able to process complex multi-material structures, and could see us printing mobile phones at home.
So before you invest in shares in large tech companies, why not consider the revolution that’s waiting round the corner – 3D printing has the potential to change the world in a way not seen since the Industrial revolution, only this time, there won’t be any factories.
What do you think? Will 3D printing change the world, or is it just a flash in the pan?